An ordinance of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending Section 1007.11 of County Administrative Code, codified in Chapter 5 of the County Code of Ordinances as Article 1007.11, to provide for an exclusion from the residency requirement for County employment for Allegheny County Jail staff within the Allegheny County Bureau of Corrections.
Whereas, Section 1007.11(A) of the County’s Administrative Code provides that all new applicants for County employment who accept an appointment as a County employee must become a resident of the County within one (1) year of the acceptance of such appointment; and
Whereas, testimony and other information presented to the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board has consistently indicated that the Allegheny County Jail has difficulty hiring and retaining highly qualified staff in order to maintain its ability to adequately provide for the needs of the individuals housed there; and
Whereas, the imposition of the existing residency requirement in the County’s Administrative Code upon applicants seeking employment within the Allegheny County Jail by definition reduces the pool of potentially qualified applicants, and therefore adversely affects the County’s ability to recruit and to retain personnel undertaking vital public safety and resident safety and well-being functions; and
Whereas, in the judgment of Council, the exclusion of Allegheny County Jail employees from the residency requirement for County employment set forth in Section 1007.11(A) of the County’s Administrative Code is in the best interests of providing efficient, effective, safe, and humane oversight of individuals housed at the Allegheny County Jail.
The Council of the County of Allegheny hereby enacts as follows:
SECTION 1. Incorporation of Preamble.
The provisions set forth in the preamble to this Ordinance are incorporated by reference in their entirety herein.
SECTION 2. Amendment of the Residency Require...
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